
Azimutt is new generation database exploration tool.

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Key features

It helps you perform searches on the table, column, relation, and much more. Analyze your DB, find relations between tables, and represent your DB schema as an ERD diagram. With the help of Azimutt, you can design, document, explore, and analyze your DB

Understanding, exploring, designing and analyzing large DB can be a headache. But Azimutt comes here to help

  • Scalable ERD: View only what is needed, avoid unreadable diagrams.
  • Improve your DB: Shows db inconsistencies, and suggestion to improve DB schema.
  • Explore path: Find way to appropriately join tables, and write well formatted join queries.
  • Perform automation: Write Javascript code to perform automated task, like show tables matching a regex expression, list tables with no index.
  • Explore relations: Navigating relation in DB is hard, but Azimutt helps you.
  • Show people what you want: You can make your DB schema publically or privately accessible.

Use cases:

  • Design your Database with ease.
  • All-in-one tool to explore your database.
  • Make nice and contextual documentation with Azimutt
  • Analyze your DB schema, perform automated checks, and minimize inconsistency in your DB

Azimutt is Next-Gen ERD, it is an all in one tool to help you with your DB design, explore, analyze and documentation. It is DB tool but on steroids.